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    Silke Berlinn, a "proto-punk" vocalist known for her broad-ranging vocal style, has been called “the Janis Joplin of punk rock” and has been compared with Ronnie Spector of the Ronettes and Tina Turner. She was a part of the San Francisco Punk Scene since its inception. As the lead singer for Fast Floyd and the Firebirds she performed at the epicenter of SF Punk, the Mabuhay Gardens. Robbie McKenzie, aka "Fast Floyd" was the founder of a band which would become Mink DeVille. He recruited childhood friend, Willie Borsey, later known as Willie DeVille, to join his band. Silke and the band moved to New York City where Mink Deville began its ascent. The publicity surrounding Mink DeVille spooked Floyd due to numerous warrants he had in New York. He and Silke fled the state and returned to San Francisco as Fast Floyd and the Firebirds. Fast Floyd and the Firebirds released a single "Bizarre,” backed by Bill Graham and Jerry Pompelli and two songs on the compilation album "City Lights" that also included songs by, soon to be famous, Tommy Tutone and Rocky Sullivan with John Cipollina. Thereafter, Berlinn & McKenzie fell out. McKenzie had a violent temper and Berlinn feared he would kill her. She left McKenzie for Keeth Paul (David Bowie, NY Dolls, Richie Scarlett.) ​ After a period in Los Angeles, Berlinn left for New York. Shortly afterwards she was joined by Paul, Brendan Earley (The Mutants,) Franko St Andrew (The Offs), Steve Berman (The Victims) and fashion designer, Joann Berman, who became “The Addictions.” At various times, the band has included Jerry Nolan (NY Dolls, Heartbreakers, Teenage Lust); Richie Spinoza; Luigi Scorcia (La Cosa Nostra, Johnny Thunders’s last band); Steve McKay (Iggy Pop); Ruben Siguenza (Mink deVille); and saxophonist, Manhattan Rob Walsh. ​ In the late 80s Berlinn had a three-record contract deal with Don DeVito of Columbia Records secured by one-time Blondie manager, Gino Riccardi, but it was not fulfilled when she had a nervous breakdown. ​ Although Silke has worked with several bands she has remained essentially a solo artist working with various bands and individuals. Berlinn has recorded with members of Blondie (Frank Infante, Clem Burke; Fountains of Wayne, Jesus & Mary Chain (Brian Young); The Hooters; Matt Lee Billy Idol (Matt Lee); The Germs (Don Bolles); The Mutants; Mink deVille; FANG (Sam McBride); The Screamers (producer, Paul Roessler) and Rolling Stones’ engineer, Brad Samuelson. Many of the songs resulting from these collaborations can be heard on her CD "GANGBANG".

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